Privacy Policy

Collection of Information

When you sign up on our site, subscribe to our newsletter, or fill out a form, we gather a bit of information about you, like your name, email address, and other relevant details.

Use of Information

We’re not just gathering your information for the sake of it. We use it to make your experience a bit more special, improve our website, make our customer service run smoother, and with your say-so, send out emails.

Protection of Information

Keeping your personal details safe is our bread and butter. We have a variety of strong security measures in place to do just that.


Cookies are handy little things. We use them to fine-tune our services, make your experience a bit more personal, and have a look at our website traffic.

Disclosure of Information

We’re not in the business of selling, swapping, or passing on your personal information to outsiders.


By using our site, you’re saying ‘okay’ to our privacy policy. If any part of this policy doesn’t tickle your fancy, we kindly ask you to avoid using our services.